Monday, June 26, 2006

The death of mankind

I guess I'm asking for trouble with this post which I dont think will go down well with the feminist types, but .. well it's fun to stir up something once in a while :-)

I was just reading an article on bbc news about the palestinians demanding the release of women and children and I had to ask, why is it that today with everyone campaigning for equality of gender, women are still presumed innocent?

I watch alot of stand-up comedy and I have to admit, I form alot of my opinions (some might call it plagiarism) from there. I don't remember the artist I was watching on feminists but it got me thinking. Women are fighting for every right, from their rights in a family, to rights in the government. From changing mankind to humankind, chairman to chairperson and manhole to personhole.. and hey I have no problems with all that. I believe women should and must stand beside men on equal footing with every right that men have enjoyed for ages. But if you're my wife, and we are on the Titanic, you better be standing next to me when those four old men are playing the violin and singing hymns.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Left Vs. Right

Recently my girlfriend told me I'm a bit too liberal. This conversation started because I told her she was could meet her ex-boyfriend whenever she pleased and I had no problems with it. I'm normally very secure in my relationships even though I get dumped pretty often.

This got me thinking (I do that once in a while). Is mankind so predictable that we can all be dumped in one of two categories? Liberals or Conservatives. Left or Right. I remember watching a show by Chris Rock where he says, no person is any one thing, and I agree with him. So crime, I'm conservative. Alcohol.. I'm liberal. What does that make me? A liberal or a conservative?? Doesn't matter. It just makes me .. me.

Maybe we need to stop getting caught up with stereotypes and start being what we want to be regardless of which group we fit into. What say?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The first time

I created this blog almost 8 months back, but it took me this long to finally get down to posting. After alot of debating with myself on the point of having a blog I decided the only way to figure it out was to give it a try.

The first post is probably the hardest right from figuring out a display name, to a blog name and a description. Then comes the actual post itself. It's quite like a first date. Do you tell her what you would like her to know or do you tell her what she would like to hear... hmm... So this blog will probably be a mix of both.

I'm not really a writer although I do dabble in it once in a while. I've found it's a nice passive way of putting my thoughts out there. Sometimes it's a way to find out about thoughts I never new I had. Opinions I never realised I had formed, other times, I realise I have thoughts but just don't have the words to put them into.

With that said and the introduction to this blog out of the way, hopefully the next post will be easier with thoughts flowing a bit more freely.

Till then, good bye.